When the fight for gender equality becomes a fight for inequality.

Regina Carbonell
2 min readOct 4, 2018

If you are a feminist I’m sure you agree there’s still a long path to be walked to achieve equality.

You might be an equality fighter than, just like me, felt ashamed of being called a feminist for way too long.

Don’t be.

Feminism is not a dirty word. Feminism is not about white female supremacy. There’s just a bunch of women around that is able to make a fuck ton of loud noise.

Radical feminism is, in theory, very far from what (many) actual radical feminists practice.

Radical feminism wants to end with patriarchy. It seems that some RadFems took it with the “at any cost” add on.

Feminism is more about achieving real equality for all, regardless your gender.

Many RadFems nowadays are actually practising misandry, which leads the non activists to think that feminism equals evilness (when all it looks for is equality and a change on gender roles).

When in doubt, remember: haters gonna hate. But don’t let the haters speak for everyone.

Do your own diligence, get yourself informed and join the cause.

At the end of the day, we all want to live in a more equal and accepting world, don’t we?



Regina Carbonell

Happiness Coach. White Tigress. Building the Future day by day for powerful women worldwide.