
Welcome to Allysin Lombard at our LAST EPISODE

Regina Carbonell
Join the Gender Revolution


Allysin is a bisexual professor of legal English, research and writing. With a past in law and legal studies she is currently working as a mindset and success coach.

GR: What specific challenges is your business life facing at this moment. Have you faced particular challenges due to your gender or gender identity?

AL: My current/former employer has a policy requiring someone’s legal name to correspond to her professed gender identity.

GR: If I invented a time machine and you could travel anywhere in time, where would you go? And why?

AL: I have a fascination with medieval courts, but I would fast forward to the future where vaginoplasties are cleaner, safer and cheaper.

“Yesterday, I was hanging out with new friends dressed in unisex clothing and still feeling completely femme and being completely confident in who I am. I realized that Allysin is a body and an identity…not a set of clothing…that being said, I do love sexy clothes!”

GR: Can you explain a situation when you felt deeply loved? And what about some point where you where overflodded by feeling love for others? -we are talking about unconditional love -

AL: I had a touch therapy appointment recently and she was touching my body and telling me how much she loved me and how awesome I am…I don’t know that I love anyone like that

GR: And what about anger? You seem to have a high EQ, can you explain how you managed your emotions?

AL: I very rarely get angry anymore. My greatest anger is lightly directed at my father and his fears and insecurities about me. I allow myself to experience pain…I sometimes even embrace it. I don’t judge it, explain it, or rationalize it, because when I do, I give it power.

“The only thing to fear is fear itself.”

GR: As a successful LBTQIA person, what is your advice for young people?

AL: Find out what you really want…be completely honest and abandon all judgment. Learn to love yourself and find the courage to tell people who you are and what you want.

Thank you Allysin for your time and for being our latest interviewee this 2018.



Regina Carbonell
Join the Gender Revolution

Happiness Coach. White Tigress. Building the Future day by day for powerful women worldwide.